miercuri, 29 iulie 2015



My name is Vâscu Alexnadru, I am the President of “ProAdevǎr” Association, having the professional headquarter in Zalǎu, Pietriș Street bl.D35 ap.6 et.1, Sǎlaj County, Romania. Our Association was founded in 2008 as a necessity, that of defending my mother and myself against the violation of human and personality right by the Romanian state representatives. The main object of activity of the Association in the defending of human and fundamental liberty rights and subordinate objective are activities of social help – help accorded to some categories of persons in Sǎlaj County which whom the fate was less generous: children and elders from the communities centers in Sǎlaj County and poor families in Zalǎu or Sǎlaj County. For a good developing of our activity we need logistic and financial help. In this purpose we would like to contact humanitarian foundations which have as object of activity the defending of human rights and that are why we ask you, dear reader, to help us to contact such foundations from European Union or international which have the financial power or interest to help a Romanian association. We inform you that Romania has a totalitarian justice, the fundamental human rights and the personality rights – dignity right, honor rights image right and good name right – ARE NOT RESPECTED in Romania! We provide beyond doubt evidences referring to this aspect – civil/criminal lawsuit referring to the struggle our Association has had since 2006 against the Romanian justice system. We inform you that a number of around 600 persons have been waiting for social help from us “ProAdevǎr” Association are a nonprofit, nonpolitical and nongovernmental organization. Information about our Association you can get from the Justice Ministry website in Romania and from our blog asociatiaproadevarapa.blogspot.com. You may contact us on e-mail: asociatiaproadevar@yahoo.com; phone: 0722599485.
Hoping for a help, I thank you!

Please receive my distinguish consideration!

Yours sincerely,

“ProAdevǎr” Association President

Vâscu Alexandru

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